A downloadable game

Dive into the world of 'Corn Bird,' an arcade adventure controlled entirely with the arrow keys. Master the skies, catch the spinning corn, and avoid obstacles—all with the precision of your keyboard. With lives on the line and challenges that escalate with every score milestone, 'Corn Bird' tests your agility and strategy.

Updated 19 days ago
AuthorRafael José
GenreAction, Survival
TagsArcade, Casual, Physics, pygame, Singleplayer
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


CornBird.zip 321 kB

Install instructions

  1. Download the Game: Click the download button on the game's itch.io page to download the game files.
  2. Extract the Files: Unzip the downloaded file to a directory of your choice.
  3. Install Python: Ensure you have Python installed on your computer. You can download it from the official Python website.
  4. Install Pygame: Open a command prompt or terminal and type the following command to install Pygame:
    pip install pygame  
  5. Run the Game: Navigate to the directory where you extracted the game files. Open a command prompt or terminal in this directory and type:
    python main.py

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